Differences in pain modulation profiles between non-athletes and highly physically active individuals
18 - 25 år

Differences in pain modulation profiles between non-athletes and highly physically active individuals

Objective: To evaluate whether the pain inhibitory system works in very physically active people than in those who are not physically active. Participation takes 2 hours and you will receive a compensation of 300,-kr
Hvem står bag?
Department of Dentistry and Oral Health Section of Orofacial Pain and Jaw Function Aarhus University,
Hvor foregår det?
School of dental medicine - AU Section of Orofacial Pain and Jaw Function
Aarhus University, Vennelyst Boulevard 9, 8000 Aarhus C
Kriterier for at deltage
Du kan deltage, hvis du:
- Healthy male - Pain-free
- Aged between 18 and 25
- Don't doing regular sport in free time 

Du kan ikke deltage, hvis du:
- Chronic pain, including any type of both facial and diffused pain - Chronic pathology
- Regular use of medication, with the exception of the contraceptive pill
Honorar / Godtgørelse
300 kr
Fordele ved at deltage
Learn how to function the pain mechanisms
Det skal du igennem:
A single assessment session of around 2 hours
Projektets VEK-nummer: 1-10-72-16-23
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